The Historical Alphabet/Qalam
Discovering something new about the world in which our ancestors lived—and our own today—is a truly exciting experience! To share this joy with our readers, the Qalam editorial staff, together with the technology company Citix @citix.me, has created a fascinating project of important and interesting historical facts collected in an alphabet. You can now see them on Citix city smartboards and read more on our website.
A Family Brand, the Seal of Turkic Clans, Used to Mark Clan Property
The most popular use of the tamga is to brand cattle with it and place it on boundary posts and stones marking the boundaries of family lands. Besides the Kazakhs, about fifteen other nations, including the Ossetians, Tatars, Nogais, Bulgars, and Abkhazians have the custom of tribal tamgas.

Coat of Arms of Bokei horde. About 1807/Wikimedia Commons