You separated me from my friends
You are the enemy; you are a curse on earth!
You threw the love child into the fire,
And froze ice mixed blood on my chest
The Great War began at four in the morning on June 22, 1941, with the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany led by Hitler. Citizens scattered across the country were quickly recruited into the army. The Soviet Union, which was peaceful yesterday, took an active part in the war. This news soon reached the Kazakh lands. Citizens who were fit for the army were taken from each village and city. For some, this bloodshed is an event of the past, for us it is an eternal immortal history, a chronicle. With each passing day and year, yesterday is filled with the pollen of history.
“The name of the hero is in the memory of the people” means that generation remember our brave brothers and sisters. They shot their chests for their country, for the sacred land, for the Motherland. They were not hindered by winter frost, summer heat, several years of hunger, longing for mother, country, and love. They kept their promise to the people, went to the field of military operations of their own free will. Thus, they paid their debt to their father, mother and homeland.
What is war? I think that war is a fierce enemy, a ruthless person, blood that flows in streams, the tears of mother and child, dead brothers. What consequences the war leads to! The war shook the peaceful country, orphaned children, widowed women, and killed men.
On the battlefield, every minute is important. One mistake can take not only your life, but also the life of your comrade. There are no rules here, so you need to be prepared for anything. Every citizen who went to the front, knowing this principle, went on a heroic path and was shot in the chest. They did not turn around, walked only ahead, seeing friends bleeding, losing peers at every military attack. And such a powerful willpower was granted to them with mother's milk.
In difficult times, people were not divided into nations, but, on the contrary, became one people and defended their homeland from the enemy. The sound of tanks and shells kept people at bay. How many cities were beaten captured! How many mothers received bad news from the military front!
Among the men who left their homelands and were sent to the military front was Kaliakpar, my grandmother's father on my mother's side. He went to war in 1941 at the age of 17 from the Kokpekti district, East Kazakhstan region. There was not even a year as he got married. My grandmother was a five-month-old baby in the womb. I saw my grandmother cry many times when she watched a movie about war. What can a small child understand? When I asked her:
- “Grandma who offended you?”
She answered:
- “My dear, don't worry, what do you know? My father, who went to the front before I was born, was probably in this war. I am crying thinking about it”.
When I matured, then I just understood the words of my grandmother, thinking about it. Unable to see her father, she pined for him deep down.
My grandmother's mother received letters for about a year, but over time, the letters stopped. My grandmother's mother spent every day hoping for some news. The war was over. Men returned wounded from the war. There was no news from grandfather... how many such men had been missing?! If there was an heir, one could say that there is someone to continue the family.
In 1993, I saw how my grandmother with tears in her eyes took the book “Shezhіre” (Genealogy) and said “My father Kaliakpar did not even have descendants left to continue the birth”. Girls are not included in the book “Shezhіre”, as they are not the continuers of the clan.
This situation happened not only in my grandmother's family, but also in many other families. Grandmother talked a lot about the war, even if she herself was not there, but which took away her father.
The future generation is obliged to know their history. I would like to see more publications of books about the war of our heroes such as B. Momyshuly, K. Kaisenov, K. Amanzholov. We have not seen the war. We don't read many books about the war. We watch films about the war only on Victory Day. Various public organizations are being created in Kazakhstan that implement good deeds. I think that if we want to show the future generation the traces of the Great Patriotic War, then it is necessary to hold meetings, interviews on the topics “Great Victory”, “I have not seen the war”, “We are looking for”. Knowing history is everyone's responsibility. The television program includes films about the war, excerpts from the life of poets and writers, patriotic lessons from the life of our grandfather Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. This would be a great source of upbringing, patriotism for each of us. In conclusion, I want to devote the poem to our brothers and sisters who heroically died in the war, mothers who worked hard in the rear, descendants who lost their father and passed their whole lives in care.
I have not seen the war,
But my heart feels,
That the terrible war
Brought grief and sadness,
And a painful life -
To my grandfather with grandmother
To my elder brother and his wife.
He was leaving with sorrow
His homeland and parents.
Every day longing,
Unknown where the grave,
Without a handful of soil,
Sighing, yearning relatives,
Still looking forward to see…
I imagine
Face of the cruel war
Let there be no war! No war!