~ 1 min read

Henry Kissinger/Getty Images

The White House. Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft. 1974/Alamy

The White House. Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft. 1974/Alamy

Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese diplomat Le Duc Tho at talks in France. 1973/Alamy

Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese diplomat Le Duc Tho at talks in France. 1973/Alamy

US President Richard Nixon with Henry Kissinger. 1972/Getty Images

US President Richard Nixon with Henry Kissinger. 1972/Getty Images

Nancy and Henry Kissinger talk during a helicopter flight. 1970s/David Rubinger/Getty Images

Nancy and Henry Kissinger talk during a helicopter flight. 1970s/David Rubinger/Getty Images