Programme of the ÖZIMIZ Oral History Contest


~ 5 min read

1. This programme regulates the procedure for the ÖZIMIZ Oral History Contest, the requirements to entries, the application submission procedure, and the contest period.

2. Goal of the contest: Public involvement in recording historical events, pieces of evidences and collective reflection of the recent past through personal stories of real people using an oral history research method.

3. Contest organiser: QALAM is a multi-platform scholarly and educational media Weblog on the history and culture of humanity of Central Asia and the world as a whole. The project is based on the world historical context as seen from Central Asia. Experts with good professional reputation from all over the world including historians, philosophers, art historians and political scientists are engaged in preparation of all the key materials for the project. Researchers from different countries, including Kazakhstan, USA, Canada, UK and Russia are already involved in our project. Currently, Qalam is available in Kazakh, Russian and English.

4. Contest prizes: QALAM multimedia project, the organiser of ÖZIMIZ Oral History Contest, has established a prize fund with the following money prizes for the three best entries:

· 1st place – 1,500,000 tenge

· 2nd place – 1,000,000 tenge

· 3rd place – 500,000 tenge

In addition to money prizes, the best entries will be awarded with plaques and published on the website. Taxes and other mandatory payments shall be withdrawn in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. Participation criteria: Citizens of Kazakhstan aged 12-25 years residing in the territory of Kazakhstan and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan may participate in the contest. Entrants shall confirm their acceptance of the contest rules and provide documents confirming their age and place of residence. The entry shall be relevant to Kazakhstan.

6. Application submission: Contest applications shall be accepted until 00:00 (Astana time) July 1, 2024 to email address in text, audio or video formats in Kazakh, Russian or English. An applicant shall submit a fully completed application form, with photos and other documents attached in accordance with the specification requirements published on the contest website.

· Please, indicate in the subject line of your e-mail: "For the ÖZIMIZ Oral History Contest".

· In the body of the letter, briefly give some information about yourself and describe your entry.

· A text entry shall be attached to the letter in Microsoft Word format. In case of photo materials, please attach them as separate files to the letter.

· In case your entry is in audio or video format, please, upload the files to any file sharing site and share the link with us in your email.

· An applicant shall attach a copy of his/her ID card or birth certificate to the contest entry.

7. Format of the contest materials: The contest entry shall be an oral testimony of a storyteller records in the form of an interview text, article, audio podcast, or video.

8. Assessment criteria: Contest entries assessment criteria include as follows: originality and integrity of the stories, intensity of emotions and meaningful, relevance to the subject matter and purpose of the contest, quality of presentation and adherence to the design requirements of the entries. The decision of the jury is final and not subject to revision.

9. Data usage: Entrants consent to the processing of their personal data for the purposes of the contest, including the publication of the names of the winners. The confidentiality of the rest of the information is guaranteed in accordance with the legislation.

10. Disputes: In case of disputes or disagreements arising in connection with the contest, the entrant shall be entitled to file a written appeal to the organisers within 5 business days from the date the dispute arises. The organisers shall consider the appeal and provide a response within 10 business days.

11. Intellectual property: All entries shall remain the property of their authors. However, the entrants shall grant the organisers the right to use the submitted entries free of charge for non-commercial purposes, including publications and exhibitions.

12. Contest cancellation or amendments in the terms and conditions of the contest: In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organisers reserve the right to make amendments in the terms and conditions of the contest or cancel the contest at any time without prior notice to the entrants.

13. Legal disclaimer: The organisers shall not be liable for the entrant's inability to take part in the contest for reasons beyond the control of the organisers, including technical failures, loss of internet access and other similar circumstances.

14. Responsibilities of the organisers: The organisers undertake to ensure fair and transparent judging, as well as timely informing the entrants about all amendments related to the contest.

15. Usage rights to images and other materials: The participation in the contest implies the entrants' consent to unlimited usage of the submitted materials by the organisers for information, advertising and PR purposes without payment of royalties.

16. Notices: All notices regarding the contest shall be delivered through the official communication channels specified in the registration form (email, telephone), as well as through the official website of the Qalam editorial office.

17. Consequences of violation of the rules of the contest: Any breach of the contest rules by an entrant may result in his/her disqualification at any stage of the contest without entitlement to any award and without reimbursement of any costs incurred by the entrant in connection with his/her participation in the contest.

18. Final Provisions: All amendments to the provisions hereof shall be made by the contest organisers in writing. All disputes arising in connection with the implementation of these provisions shall be subject to consideration in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
