Letter W

~ 1 min read

The Historical Alphabet/Qalam

Discovering something new about the world in which our ancestors lived—and our own today—is a truly exciting experience! To share this joy with our readers, the Qalam editorial staff, together with the technology company Citix, has created a fascinating project of important and interesting historical facts collected in an alphabet. You can now see them on Citix city smartboards and read more on our website.

Walpurgis Night

The Night of 1 May, the Celebration of Spring Among the Ancient Germans

On this night, one should stay awake, burn fires, dance and rejoice. The Christian Church, of course, proclaimed this ancient holiday the worship of demons and banned it. The rituals of the holiday began to be described as a ‘Witches’ Sabbath’, where witches and sorcerers worship Satan. The fact is, though, that Walpurga was an eighth-century Catholic saint whose feast day falls on 1 May. The fact that her name has become almost synonymous with evil spirits is nonsense, but this is not uncommon in the course of history.

The witches' sabbath on walpurgis night on blocksberg mountain, also known as brocken mountain, german copper engraving, 17th century/bildagentur-online/Getty Images

The witches' sabbath on walpurgis night on blocksberg mountain, also known as brocken mountain, german copper engraving, 17th century/bildagentur-online/Getty Images