Discovering Hope in the Whisper of Chill
The French Reimagining of Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Paul Claudel/Qalam
One of Qalam's primary aims is to illuminate and explain our world by exploring various historical and cultural phenomena. In this section, we have decided to do without unnecessary words and familiar comments. What you will encounter here are fragments of verses collected from different eras and parts of the world. These speak for themselves and are notably beautiful to us.
The wise Qin Yuan, in his twilight years,
When a sorcerer proposed to reduce his age to just two, he replied without fears:
‘I know all about Spring, I know how long Summer persists 'til exhaustion's at hand.
What I must now comprehend, without a doubt, is known as Autumn, you understand.
Should I not confirm that everything concealed matures and what's visible, too?
That each fruit in my garden, without fail, acquires its destined shape, weight, and hue.
Why do we consider as an end what, in reality, is a beginning so bright?
With hope and delight, I embrace the chilling wind's freezing flight.’
Paul Claudel (1868–1955) was a French poet, playwright, and prominent Catholic thinker.